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Updated Dec. 10
Updated Dec. 19
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5k to 200k For Xmas Dec 19, 1:59am GMT

How would you like a $200k Christmas present? My student CE (not his real name) did just that with two trades in a few weeks.

He used DCTC which are the DanielCode Time charts which create the DC Time Buy and Sell signals to enter and then used our newest Tutorial Beyond Masterclass which provides a new proprietary tool that tells you when it is safe to relax your stops and hold those trades. for longer. To learn these incredible skills CE took the full one-on-one Danielcode Tutorial with me. We call this course our Masterclass and it teaches you everything worth knowing about trading Futures, Forex, Crypto an ETFs and even Stocks.

He followed up that course with our latest Tutorial Beyond Masterclass which shows you when it is safe to hold that trade for longer, in this case weeks. While ES chose to execute these trades in a minor Crypto coin we never looked at a Crypto chart during his Tutorials. Danielcode rules all markets in all Time frames so if we use Futures charts to learn these vital techniques you will automatically have learned to trade Forex, Crypto and other markets as well.  

Hey John, correction to my last e-mail, I did 15,737% (combined) profit on margin with two XRP trades using DCTC for entry and then Beyond Masterclass to follow the trend turning a $5k USD account into $200k in a matter of weeks. Thank you for turning me into a professional trader.

My sincerest respects, always. CE

Email me for details.

Equities Wednesday Dec 19, 1:16am GMT



Forex on Wednesday Dec 19, 1:13am GMT



Wednesday's Trading Dec 19, 1:10am GMT



Dec 17, 9:02am GMT

 Our 6S and T.03 daily trade signals combined for better than $12000 per one contract on seven markets at Monday's close. Gold comtinues its stratospheric performance and adds up the dollars quiclly. Here are two of the best of them.


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