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T.03 Pending T.03 Plus Pending 6S Pending

Updated Mar. 25
Updated Mar. 30
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Happy Days Mar 25, 6:43am GMT

 Thursday's T.03 signals for Friday.s trade got you short on US T-Bonds with a nice fiollow through on Monday and Gold elected its T.03 Sell signal as well as others. To keep that happy feeling going I wanted to be sure that you saw our high conviction long trades for Equities on Monday with some clarity as I posted DC Buy signals in S&P, NASDAQ and Russell. Each elected their long signal with an unfilled gap which is begging to be closed shortly but nice enough.

Crude Oil Rollover Mar 19, 7:38am GMT

 This is the May 2025 contract in Crude Oil which became the front month today.


Equities Mar 18, 12:35am GMT

 TN had some data issues this evening that delayed our signals in S&P and NQ. As you can see from the post below we are long S&P at 5701.25 with a 1 bar stop. Sell CT. NQ is the same.

Max Luna Mar 14, 4:30am GMT

 Today. Watch S&P and Silver for the next two trading sessions.

Welcome Back Mar 14, 12:11am GMT

 Life in a Cyclone

Tropical Cyclone Alfred came further south along Australia's east coast than any other cyclone in the past 56 years and centered itself as a category 2/3 cyclone at Brisbane the Queensland state capital and the Gold Coast 36m south of Brisbane the tourist capital of Australia and it certainly created some problems.

From a personal point of view we lost power, internet and cell phone coverage on Thursday 03/06 in the afternoon and have been without those essentials until some time last night when internet and power was restored. That gave me an enforced holiday which I did not enjoy. Tending the generator to refuel every 7 hours becomes a pain together with a total lack of knowledge of the world at large and in particular the trading world. It will take me 24 hours to catch up, configure charts etc so no DC trade signals for Friday but I am back full speed and we will have normal operationd for Monday. My apologies for this enforced absence and I will get to your email enquiries shortly.

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